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 Sujet du message: Centralisation - Neo Mule
MessagePublié: 29 Sep 2005 20:24 
Archéologue en Chef

Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2003 18:18
Messages: 1890
Localisation: En vrac dans un grillage
eMule 0.46c Neo Mule v4.00 Rc1 :


David Xanatos (Translation from german) :

Neo Mule 4.0 Feature Liste / Change Log:

Primary Neo features:
Original Neo Features:
NSA – [NeoSourceAnalyser)The system analyses the IP-behavior of clients and determinates the probability to find them with the same IP after a longer break. This system is part of the Neo Source Storage System
NSK – [NeoSourceKeeper]Sources are no longer deleted after failed connection attempts they get one of the suspended states (DS_UNREACHABLE). Primary this system is used by source storage. It’s not necessary if the client database is activ.
NCD – [NeoClientDatabase] IP list and file database for all known sources. Primary use of the database is the allocation of the IP-tables for source IP analyser.
SHM – [SourceHashMonitor] Client hash change monitor. Primary use is the control of the client´s hash change, to save the integrity of the client database. Secondary the system is used for Argos.
NSD – [NeoSourceDrop] In fact source cleanup. Required for Neo source keeper and Neo source storage. It is designed to delete not needed sources with a suspended status.
SFL – [SourceFileList]This list contains information about, which files were seen by which clients. Used for source storage.
NPT – [NeoPartTraffic]] Neo part traffic was almost completley redesigned. Based on an old implementation from xrmb
IPS – [IntellegintPartSharing] ] Intelligent part sharing replaces hide OS and share only the needed. The system is more sophisticated then the other solutions named above. It can be set up more flexible. The spread possibility is also able to handle heavy shared files because a relativ division as over shared/available calculate method can be used instead of a static difference.
RPS – [RealPartStatus] New protocol extension. Announce the status of the chunks administrated by IPS (Intelligent Part Sharing)
RT – [ReleaseTweaks] Generally a release priority like powershare but the base functionality is different. Neo system is much more flexible configurable for each file individually.
NB – [NeoBackup] Extended file backup. Is highly flexibel configurable and also includes auto restore functionality.
NA – [NeoArgos] Neo anti leecher system. The behaviour analysing methods are partly from S.N.A.F.U include also Anti Nick/Mod thief (WiZaRd) and Anti-Ghost Mode. The mod detections methods Nick/Mod String and Opcode are swapped out to a separate thread to reduce the CPU load. The leecher list is in a external file leechers.dat the entries are CRC protected.

Improved Neo Features:
NBC – [NeoBandwithcontroll] Neo Bandwith Control is based on Pawcio Bandwith Control but more flexible and includes NAFC.
NAFC – [NetworkAdapterFeedbackControl] Own implementation of NAFC.
PIX – [PartImportExport] Neo Part Import/export is an own implementation and has much advantages opposite to the actual popular system. The parts don´t have to be arranged sequential in the file which is going to be imported. The system can import the parts in any order whereby single parts can also be imported. Furthermore the system can export any part in a file.
NLC – [NeoLanCast] Neo Lancast 2.0. the new version includes an active source searching and file searching by keyword. AND, OR, NOT are supported as well as filesize, availability and other prosperities.
MTD – [MultiTempDirectories] Own implementation of different temp folders. New downloads can be set automatically or manual to the chosen folder. Existing downloads can be moved to new folder during runtime.

Secondary Neo Features:
Original Neo Features:
NST – [NeoSourceTweaks] Source limits and similar can be individualy set for each file.
DR – [DownloadReask] Download reask setting can be individualy set for each file.
NCFG – [NeoConfiguration] Save/ Load prefs, not new.
FCFG – [FileConfiguration] A lot of settings can be done for each file separately and will be saved in *.neo and in knownprefs.met
ECFG – [EngingeConfiguration] Features for developers. Not in public release.
ASL – [AutoSoftLock] The source search is turned off, if a definite threshold of sources has the status: „too many connections“
MCS – [ManualChunkSlection] It is possible to manually set, which chunks shouldl be downloaded first.
MPS – [ManualPartSharing] Manual administration of chunks. Hide/block isn’t recommended this work can be done by the IPS much more efficiently.
EGS – [ExtendedGlobalSearch] Global search supports the search more function now.
NCS – [NeoCreditSystem] Neo Credit System is only applied on clients that are sources. The advantage for the remote clients is low, but leechers are markedly handicapped.
NFS – [NeoScoreSystem] A Queue in which the importance of the waiting time in proportion to the credits increase exponential.
NSC – [NeoSharedCategories] The categories can also be used for completed files.

Improved Neo Features:
SP – [ShharedParts] The parts are shown in the shared file window
AKF – [AllknownFiles] A list of all known files can be displayed in the shared files list. Idea from xrmb
XC – [ExtendedComments] Extended commentary system: Version 2 from SF+ Neo Save comments
MFSB – [MultifileStatusBars] Status bars also for A4AF files, Morph Mod
RFL – [RequestFileList] All files of a client are displayed (including the files he asked for).
AHL – [AutoHardLimit] Auto hard limit, switchable between sivka and WiZaRd system
ICS – [IntelligentChunkSelection] The protocol extension incomplete parts from enkeydev mod but advanced to Version 2.0
QS - [QuickStart] The connection limits are raised at start up. Own implementation
RIC – [ReaskonIDChange] Enhanced Reask on ID change completely new coded. With possibility to notice the clients in queue. Also works in "Stand alone mode" if NAFC is activ.
DS – [DropSources] Source dropping, own implementation includes the „Don’t ask this IP“ list from sivka (optional)

Secondary Neo Features:
Original Neo Features:
MCM – [ManualClientManagement] Manually A4Af managements of the clients
MSH - [ManualSourceHandling] Manually source enquiry to clients, server and kademlia
MDR - [ManualDownloadReask] Manually download enquiry for complete files
MCH - [ManualClientHandling] Manually reask/drop of clients also SX enquiry
NXI - [NeoExtraInfo] A Protocol extension which provides additional information from the client: Sui status, file priority up/down, credit system, score, queue configuration, up time ....
MOD - [BindToAdapter] With this function the client can be instructed to use a defined network adapter
SD - [StandByDL] Downloads can be set to stand by status where sources are collected but now download is made.
TFL - [TetraFriendLinks] friends can be imported/exported with a link, implementation from Tetrabin
Format: ed2k://|friend|nick|hash|/|addr,|/
MKN - [MergeKnown] Sounds common but is completely different.

Improved Neo Features:
MLD - [ModelesDialogs] Modeles Dialogues is based on the implementation from SF but with many updates and corrections
CQR - [CollorQueueRank] Queue ranking is displayed colored.
TQ - [TweakUploadQueue] Infinite queue and queue overflow.
NPC - [NeoPartCatch] hidden parts can be requested. This feature is used by Anti hide Os and real part status
SI - [SysInfo] CPU and memory usage is displayed
OCC - [ObelixConnectionControl] if 75% of the connection limit is used the source searching is turned of temporary

Tertiary Neo Features:
Original Neo Features:
MOD - [PreAllocate] With this function the client can allocate the hard disk space for downloads.
MOD - [EscFix] Client no longer minimize if ESC is pressed.
MOD - [PrefCloseFix] Setup is only saved if OK is pressed.
MOD - [CancelKademliaSeartch] KAD search can be cancelled manually
NRT - [NeoReleaserTweaks] Some menus in shared files window. Clear statistic ect.
MOD - [MoreSearchColors] some more colors for search resluts
NV - [NeoVersion] Neo version, window title etc.
ND - [NeoDebug] some things to debugg

Improved Neo Features:
NTS - [NeoTreeStyle] GUI extension in the download/shared file list, from Plus Mod
MOD - [NeoStats] more statistic graphs, overhead, NAFC, UL/DL Limit, SysInfo

Common Features:
MID - […] Mod ID functionality
MDS - [ManualDropSources] Manually dropping of sources
MOD - [ChunkSelection] selection of the chunk request method for each file individually: official, ICS, rare chunks v4.
MOD - [NeoMenus] The Menues
SSP - [ShowSharePermissions] The view share setting can be set for each file separately. From xmod. With modifications to solve problems in the original
KAX - [KadAuxPort] optional extra port for KAD. Own implementation. Idea from ewombat mod
TCR - [TCPConnectionRetry] TCP connection retry from Extrem Mod
XSF - [ExtendedSharedFiles] Extended shared files functionality from SF.
VSF - [VirtualSharedFiles] The path’s and filenames of the shared files can be changed virtually. From FS
SSD - [ShareSubDirectories] Shared sub directories from SF
EDT - [EstimatedDownloadTime] Estimated download time from enkeyDEV Mod
L2H - [LowID2HighIDAutoCallback] Low ID to High ID auto call-back from enkeyDEV Mod
AHOS - [AntiHideOS] Anti hide OS from Net finity MOD, negligible modified
WC - [WebCache] Webcache 2.0 implementation from IoNiX Mod
SC - [SeartchCatch] Search catch from SF
XUC - [ExtendedUdpCatch] Extended Udp catch from SF
SR - [SpreadReask] Spread reask from SF
SQ - [SaveUploadQueue] Saving upload queue waiting time from moonlight
MQ - [MultiQueue] One queue for each file. Idea from bloodymad
RQ - [RandomQueue] Clients are taken almost random from queue. Good for releasers. From SF
MC - [MetCredits] New format for clients.met file from SF, negligibly modified and optimized
RSR - [RemoteScoreRatio] Display of the remote score, very easy.
MOD - [SeeTheNeed] GUI Extension from Morph.
PP - [PasswordProtection] Password protection for the file list, only lokal, TBH mod
SEF - [ShareAlsoEmptyFiles] Empty part files are displayed in shared files, by default only displayed not published.
SS - [SplashScreen] Splash screen from TBH mod, little changes
MM - [NeoMiniMule] Neo Minimule, like TBH Minimule
ML - [ModLog] Modlog
WS2 - [WINSOCK2] Ewombat WinShock2
MOD - [HashProgres] Hash progress is shown in status bar from O2 mod
NCAP - [NeoCustomAutoPriority] The thresholds for auto priority can be set up manually
OCF - [OnlyCompleetFiles] if no complete source is available for a file ,it wouldn’t be downloaded. This saves HD space.
MOD - [ChunkDots] GUI extension SF
MOD - [ConfirmedDownload] GUI extension from ZZ
FSI - [FileStatusIcons] File Status icons from Plus Mod
RC4 - [RareChunksV4] Rare Chunks v4, needed for the possibility to load the file from a defined point
PRSF - [PushSmallRareFiles] Small and/or rare files are pushed, from SF
NI - [NewIcons] new client icons etc…
PSM - [PlusSpeedMeter] Speed Meter Toolbar from Plus Mode
SE - [SortExtension] Disable auto sort, and only sort clients
IM - [InvisibelMode] Client is invisible on desktop and can be called with a hot key combination
RLD - [ReconnectOnLowID] Reconnect if getting a low ID.
MOD - [CustomUlSlots] Min/Max upload slots adjustable
MOD - [ReloadSharedOnMissing] if a file which is known as shared wasn’t found the list will be generated new.
NPS - [NeoPlusStyle] List style from plus mode for transfer and shared window
MOD - [ClientsDetails] more pages in client details window
NSB - [SlideBar] 2 categories list with set-up pages from Plus Mod
NPB - [PrefsBanner] Banner in preferences
NCI - [NewClientIcons] new icons for client

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Dernière édition par Bostrom le 02 Oct 2005 02:19, édité 1 fois au total.

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MessagePublié: 02 Oct 2005 02:18 
Archéologue en Chef

Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2003 18:18
Messages: 1890
Localisation: En vrac dans un grillage
eMule 0.46c Neo Mule v4.00 Rc2 :


LF - [ListFind] A text search for all lists

Runtime backup moved to own thread.
IPS, mor flexible limits
Mor flexible uplaod slot limits
Source Analiser, added fail safe procedure for MaxMidle Discrepance
Client Database, Fixed Merge procedure for unknown tag list
Neo BC, now using instantan values for speed in statusbar/title

Argos, Anti Nick Thief and intern set leecher Type
IPS/PartTraffic, in some rare cases thay may ocured divide by 0
Extra info sends packet without being enabled
False error message when moving temp file
Port Change

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MessagePublié: 02 Oct 2005 03:03 
Archéologue en Chef

Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2003 18:18
Messages: 1890
Localisation: En vrac dans un grillage
eMule 046c Neo Mule 4.00 rc9b :


-VOODOO - [UniversalPartFileInterface] With this feature you can link clients so that only one client have the real files, the rest is using his files via network. This feature can be also used for Bittorent support you only need an adapted Bittorent client.

Lan socket handling rewriten
Source list now support lich walkin
Part import rehash removed
Removed the Neo Ration version, the users dont like it

Error in loading IP Tables
Error in seen file lsit
Collection create dialog caused crash, and enabled modeles
Lan IP overhrad was counted as internet Overhead
Official Bug in KnownFileList taht caused known files to be unshared after downlaod was completed (CKnownFileList::SafeAddKFile)

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MessagePublié: 02 Oct 2005 11:06 
Archéologue en Chef

Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2003 18:18
Messages: 1890
Localisation: En vrac dans un grillage
eMule 0.46c Neo Mule 4.00 Final :


Changelog :
Primary Neo features :

Original Neo Features :
NSA – [NeoSourceAnalyser) The system analyse the IP-behavior of the clients and determinate the probability to find them with the same IP after a longer break. This system is part of the Neo Source Storage System m
NSK – [NeoSourceKeeper] Sources are no longer deleted after failed connection attempts they get one of the Suspended States (DS_UNREACHABLE). Primary this system is used by Source Storage. It’s not necessary if the client database is active.
NCD – [NeoClientDatabase] IP list and file database for all known sources. Primary use of the database is the allocation of the IP-tables for source IP analyser.
SHM – [SourceHashMonitor] Client hash change monitor. Primary use is the control of the client shash change to save the integrity of the client database. Secondary the system is used for Argos.
NSD – [NeoSourceDrop] In fact Source Cleanup. Required for Neo source Keeper and Neo Source Storage. It is designed to delete not needed sources with a suspended status.
SFL – [SourceFileList] In this list is saved which files were seen by which clients. Used for Source Storage, search.
NPT – [NeoPartTraffic] Neo Part Traffic is almost completely redesigned. Basing on a old implementation from xrmb
IPS – [IntellegintPartSharing] Intelligent part sharing replaces Hide OS and Share only the need. The system is full more perfect then the other solutions named above. It can be configured more flexible. The spread possibilities are also able to handle heavy shared files because a relative division as over shared/availably calculate method can be used instead of a static difference.
RPS – [RealPartStatus] New protocol extension. Announce the status of the chunks administrated by IPS (Intelligent Part Sharing)
RT – [ReleaseTweaks] Generally a release priority like powershare but the base functionality is different. Neo system is much more flexible configurable for each file individually.
NB – [NeoBackup] Extended file backup. Is highly flexibel configurable and also includes auto restore functionality.
NA – [NeoArgos] Neo anti Leecher System. The behaviour analyse methods are partly from S.N.A.F.U include also Anti Nick/Mod thief (WiZaRd) and Anti-Ghost Mode. The mod detections methods Nick/Mod String and Opcode are swapped out to a separate thread to reduce the CPU load. The leecher list is in a external file leechers.dat the entries are CRC protected.
VOODOO - [UniversalPartFileInterface] With this feature you can link clients so that only one client have the real files, the rest is using his files via network. This feature can be also used for Bittorent support you only need an adapted Bittorent client.

Improved Neo Features :
NBC – [NeoBandwithcontroll] Neo Bandwith Control is based on Pawcio Bandwith Control but more flexible and includes NAFC.
NAFC – [NetworkAdapterFeedbackControl] Own implementation of NAFC.
PIX – [PartImportExport] Neo Part Import/export is a own implementation and has much advantages opposite to the actual popular system. The parts have not to be arranged sequential in the file which want to be imported. The system can import the parts in any order whereby single parts can be imported. Furthermore the system can export any part in a file.
NLC – [NeoLanCast] Neo Lancast 2.0. the new version includes a active source searching and file searching by keyword. AND, OR, NOT are supported as well as filesize, availability and other prosperities.
MTD – [MultiTempDirectories] Own implementation of different temp folders. New downloads can be set automatcly or manualy to the chosen folder. Existing downloads can be moved to new folder during runtime.

Secondary Neo Features :

Original Neo Features :
NST – [NeoSourceTweaks] Source limits and similar can be set for each file individualy.
DR – [DownloadReask] Download reask setting can be set for each file individualy
NCFG – [NeoConfiguration] Save Load Prefs, not new.
FCFG – [FileConfiguration] A lot of settings can be set for each file seperatly will be saved in *.neo and in knownprefs.met
ASL – [AutoSoftLock] The source search is turned off if a definite threshold of sources have the status „too many Connections“
MCS – [ManualChunkSlection] It can be set manually which chunks will be downloaded first
MPS – [ManualPartSharing] Manual Administration of chunks. Hide/block isn’t recommended this work canbe done by IPS much more efficient.
EGS – [ExtendedGlobalSearch] Global Search support now the Search more function
NCS – [NeoCreditSystem] Neo Credit System is only applied on clients that are sources. The advantage for the remote clients is low, but leechers are markedly handicapped.
NFS – [NeoScoreSystem] A Queue in which the importance of the waiting time in proportion to the credits increase exponential.
NSC – [NeoSharedCategories] The categories can be used also for completed files.

Improved Neo Features :
SP – [ShharedParts] the parts are shown in the shared file window
AKF – [AllknownFiles] a list of all known files can be displayed in the shared files list. Idea from xrmb
XC – [ExtendedComments] Extended commentary system: Version 2 from SF+ Neo Save Comments
MFSB – [MultifileStatusBars] Status bars also for A4AF files, Morph Mod
RFL – [RequestFileList] All files of a client are displayed include the files he ask for.
AHL – [AutoHardLimit] Auto hard limit, switch able between sivka and WiZaRd system
ICS – [IntelligentChunkSelection] The protocol extension incomplete Parts from enkeydev mod but advanced to Version 2.0
QS - [QuickStart] The connection limits are raised at start up. Own implementation
RIC – [ReaskonIDChange] Enhanced Reask on ID Change completely new coded. With possibility to notice the clients in Queue. Also works in Stand Alone Mode if NAFC is activ.
DS – [DropSources] Source dropping, own implementation includes the „Don’t ask this IP“ list from sivka (optional)

Secondary Neo Features :

Original Neo Features :
MCM – [ManualClientManagement] Manually A4Af managements of the clients
MSH - [ManualSourceHandling] Manually source enquiry to clients, server and kademlia
MDR - [ManualDownloadReask] Manually download enquiry for complete files
MCH - [ManualClientHandling] Manually reask/drop of clients also SX enquiry
NXI - [NeoExtraInfo] A Protocol extension which provide additional information from the client: Sui Status, File priority up/down, credit system, score, queue configuration, up time ....
MOD - [BindToAdapter] With this function the client can be instructed to use a defined network adapter
SD - [StandByDL] Downloads can be set to stand by status where sources are collected but now download is made.
TFL - [TetraFriendLinks] friends can be imported/exported with a link, implementation from tetrabin
Format: ed2k://|friend|nick|hash|/|addr,|/
MKN - [MergeKnown] Sounds common but it’s completely different.
PTM - [PrivatTransferManagement] - dont count download from friend slots to session ratio
pinger info to network dialog.
STI - [StaticTray] - Static Tray Icon, the icon is shown permanently.
LF - [ListFind] A text search for all lists.

Improved Neo Features :
MLD - [ModelesDialogs] Modeles Dialogues is based on the implementation from SF but with many updates and corrections
CQR - [CollorQueueRank] Queue Ranking is displayed collared
TQ - [TweakUploadQueue] Infinite Queue and Queue overflow.
NPC - [NeoPartCatch] hidden parts can be requested. This feature is using by Anti Hide Os and Real Part Status
SI - [SysInfo] CPU and memory ussage is displayed
OCC - [ObelixConnectionControl] if 75% of the connection limit is used the source searching is turned of temporary

Tertiary Neo Features :

Original Neo Features :
MOD - [PreAllocate] With this function the client can allocate the hard disk space for downloads.
MOD - [EscFix] Client no longer minimize if ESC is pressed.
MOD - [PrefCloseFix] Set Up is only saved if OK is pressed.
MOD - [CancelKademliaSeartch] KAD searchs can be cancelled manually
NRT - [NeoReleaserTweaks] Some menues in shared files window. Clear statistic ect.
MOD - [MoreSearchColors] some more colors for search resluts
NV - [NeoVersion] Neo Version, window title usw…
ND - [NeoDebug] some things to debugg

Improved Neo Features :
NTS - [NeoTreeStyle] GUI extension in the download/shared file list, from Plus Mod
MOD - [NeoStats] more Statistic Graphs, overhead, NAFC, UL/DL Limit, SysInfo

Common Features :
MAC - [MorphA4AFCategories] Extended category support from the Morph mod
FC - [FakeCheck] checks files on a list of know fakes and when found shows a comment
IP2C - [IPtoCountry] shows country flag and mane of users/servers
ASF - [AdvancedServerFilter] advanced server filtering from Av3k + don't remove static servers + don't add servers automaticly
AU - [AutoUpdate] IPfilter, known leehcers list, fake list, country ip list can be updated automaticly
SAX - [ServerAUX] alternatis server port
EFT - [ed2kFileType] show file stn the shared tree in grouped by types
MID - […] Mod ID functionality
MDS - [ManualDropSources] Manually dropping of sources
MOD - [ChunkSelection] selection of the Chunk request method for each file individually: official, ICS, rare chunks v4.
MOD - [NeoMenus] The Menues
SSP - [ShowSharePermissions] The view share setting can be set for each file separately. From xmod. Wit h modifications to solve problems in the original
KAX - [KadAuxPort] optional extra port for KAD. Own implementation. Idea from ewombat mod
TCR - [TCPConnectionRetry] TCP connection retry from Extrem Mod
XSF - [ExtendedSharedFiles] Extended Shared Files Functionality from SF.
VSF - [VirtualSharedFiles] The Path’s and Filenames of the shared files can be changed virtually. From FS
SSD - [ShareSubDirectories] Shared Sub Directories from SF
EDT - [EstimatedDownloadTime] Estimated download time from enkeyDEV Mod
L2H - [LowID2HighIDAutoCallback] Low ID to High ID auto Call-back from enkeyDEV Mod
AHOS - [AntiHideOS] Anti Hide OS from Net finity MOD, negligible modified
WC - [WebCache] Webcache 2.0 implementation from IoNiX Mod
SC - [SeartchCatch] Search Catch from SF
XUC - [ExtendedUdpCatch] Extended Udp Catch from SF
SR - [SpreadReask] Spread reask from SF
SQ - [SaveUploadQueue] Saving Upload Queue Waiting Time from moonlight
MQ - [MultiQueue] One Queue for each file. Idea from bloodymad
RQ - [RandomQueue] Clients are taken almost random from queue. Good for releaser. From SF
MC - [MetCredits] New format for clients.met file from SF, negligibly modified and optimized
RSR - [RemoteScoreRatio] Display of the remote score, very easy
MOD - [SeeTheNeed] GUI Extension from Morph.
PP - [PasswordProtection] Password protection for the file list, only lokal, TBH mod
SEF - [ShareAlsoEmptyFiles] Empty Part Files are displayed in shared files, by default only displayed not published.
SS - [SplashScreen] Splash screen from TBH mod, little changes
MM - [NeoMiniMule] Neo Minimule, like TBH Minimule
ML - [ModLog] Modlog
WS2 - [WINSOCK2] Ewombat WinShock2
MOD - [HashProgres] Hash progress is shown in status bar from O2 mod
NCAP - [NeoCustomAutoPriority] The Thresholds for Auto Priority can be set up manually
OCF - [OnlyCompleetFiles] if for a file no complete source is available the file wouldn’t be downloaded. This safe hard disc space.
MOD - [ChunkDots] GUI extension SF
MOD - [ConfirmedDownload] GUI extension from ZZ
FSI - [FileStatusIcons] File Status icons from Plus Mod
RC4 - [RareChunksV4] Rare Chunks v4, needed for the possibility to load the file from a defined point
PRSF - [PushSmallRareFiles] Small and/or rare files are pushed, from SF
NI - [NewIcons] new client icons usw…
PSM - [PlusSpeedMeter] Speed Meter Toolbar from Plus Mode
SE - [SortExtension] Disable auto sort, and only sort clients
IM - [InvisibelMode] Client is invisible on desktop and can be called with a hot key combination
RLD - [ReconnectOnLowID] Reconnect if getting a low ID.
MOD - [CustomUlSlots] Min/Max upload slots adjustable
MOD - [ReloadSharedOnMissing] if a file which is known as shared wasn’t found the list will be generated new.
NPS - [NeoPlusStyle] List style from plus mode for transfer and shared window
MOD - [ClientsDetails] more pages in client details window
NSB - [SlideBar] 2 categories List with Set-Up Pages from Plus Mod
NPB - [PrefsBanner] Banner in preferences
NCI - [NewClientIcons] new icons for Client

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MessagePublié: 02 Oct 2005 15:27 
Petit Singe
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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005 22:55
Messages: 23
Localisation: Nitro Hard Nitro Punk
'vache comment elle est compliquée cette mule !!! Imbitable :wobble:

- Y'a pas un tuto FR pour la configurer ? (en allemand c'est pas la peine et même en EN je pige pas la 1/2 des subtilités des fonctions...)

- Y'a pas de PowerShare ou j'ai pas trouvé ?


ps: chuis sur la NextEvo 4.3a, elle est bien mais il manque à IMHO qqs options de la MorphXT par ex...

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MessagePublié: 06 Oct 2005 00:29 
Archéologue en Chef

Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2003 18:18
Messages: 1890
Localisation: En vrac dans un grillage
Pour le tuto je vais chercher. Pour le Powershare, il y a une fonction identique mais dont le fonctionnement est différent :
RT – [ReleaseTweaks] Generally a release priority like powershare but the base functionality is different. Neo system is much more flexible configurable for each file individually.

Le system Neo est plus flexible et configurable pour chaque fichier séparément (désolé mais mon anglais est approximatif) : un commentaire sur lequel j'aimerai avoir quelques avis d'utilisateurs de ce mod, étant moi-même un inconditionnel de la morph.
A ce sujet, il y a dans ce mod quelques fonctions de release intéressantes comme le Hide OS et le Share Only the Need, présents également dans le mod morph. :wink:

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MessagePublié: 10 Déc 2005 19:41 
Archéologue en Chef

Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2003 18:18
Messages: 1890
Localisation: En vrac dans un grillage
eMule 0.46c Neo Mule 4.01 :


Changelog :

MSH: added get all for for beter initial bootstrap
ARGOS: removed XS exploid punishment, until the functionality of the feature will be veryfyed

NCAP: fixed a small bug

FIX: some more small bugs
MLD: fixed a bug with the up down buttins in the download window
SE: Now more the one file can be expanded
MOD: Fixed some bugs in the download list menus

SO: Beter handling when internet connection is down
NI: changed server icon
ARGOS: Added obtional plain anti nick thief (the tag does not comtain [ and ])
NDP: Added double panel preferences for web interface preferences
NAFC: fixed first ip chioce faild under some conditions

WC: updated
BC: added obtional auto MSS
WAM: updated
NBC: changed conection management factor to float for beter customisability
OCC: fixed critical bun in cunstomisation setting
NCAP: added limit factor setting
SSD: fixed a bug shared sub directories in combination with the share tree
NSC: add new stared files automaticly to the right owner category

NRT: added relativ upload priority for categories
NCAP: added dynamic auto priorityies basing on global source amount

RC4: fixed critical bug
Chenged CheckMenu to SetMenuBitmap with the negativ image, looks better
SS: Resume specs obtional only for static ip sources (better acuracy)
NBCs: extended scheduler for neo BC
SC: added susupend download (means disable source search)
AU: added obtional runtime update

Added Safe nick, use cstring for nick, just in case

LC: fixed lan bandwidth speed setting bug

ARGOS: Added a DLP (Dynamic Leecher Protection), idea by Xman (Xtrem mod)

MOD: added nice hash from ionix
SS: Obtional exclude stored (old) file status from file dieplay
SS: Dual Linked Table Gravity by factor for beter precision

SS: obtional storage bootstrap to reduce unned server/kad overhead
FSI: added full status sopport for standby files
MCM: Fixed a trivial bug

ARGOS: added spam detection
ARGOS: Anti XS exploid from XMan/Wizard
ARGOS: Check hello packets (order, bad tags, extra bytes)
ARGOS: Now some settings can be used even when argos is disabled
ARGOS: changed some details in data structures
ARGOS: added argos ban statistic
ARGOS: added argos info list column
ARGOS: improved fake client software detection

Shareaza download import

NB: Fixed neo backup for source files
SS: Now you can import/export sources for more the one file
MTD/PIX: now only one file operation at a time alowed
VOODOO: Voodoo files can now completly virtual
VOODOO: Master can now update shaves known file list

01.11.2005 and bevoure
VOODOO: Added auto reconect on connection lost
VOODOO: Added show master in voodoo list
SS: Reworked port integrity check, random port sources are now usable
SS: fixed some ip table handling bugs
SS: Changed Max Midle Discrepance is now spliten into two values for up and down discrepance
SS: changed 2 tables grants at least type 1 quality
SS: Added Unpredicted propability for unknown sources with only one ip table
SS: Added new propability tybe "enhanced" costomisable ith a factor
SS: changed propability type settings now instad of (auto;normal) now (normal;high;auto;enhanced)
SS: Added setting for linked propability
SS: Added negativ propability (propability of unavalibility)
SS: Added propability magnifyer for recently seen sources
SS: Fixed a bug that undet certain condition may caused feask of mor sources that seted in th elimit
SS: Reworked the inteligend reask manager
ARGOS: Added anti Cue/Bin hack idea from Maella (Close Backdoor)
ARGOS: fixed a bug that may lat a banned cleint into upload
PTM: ptm now works without NXI so its anonym mode conform
MAC: fixed some minor bugs
SEF: fixed some bugs
NSK: GetSourceCount()->GetActiveSourceCount() to now susupended sources won't affect the source searches
NSC: fixed a reload bug
ML: fixed missing set max mod log file size/format
MTD: fixed major bug in default dir selection
NST: fixed a bug that blocks manual XS when global disabled
BC: reworked Connection Management, now customicable with additional factor
OCC: customizable
WAM: Addd Web Interface Account Management from ionix
WCS: Added Web Interface Cookie Settings from ionix
RT: fixed bug in QueueListCtrl in priority display
PP: fixed some bugs
NCS: Fixed some major bugs
BC: reworked slot management

Téléchargement :

Binaries :

Sources :

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 10 Déc 2005 23:50 
Ma parole, des mods j'en ai utilisé : Sivka, O², LSD, Morph... et d'autres.
Mais celle là c'est une mule de psychopathe !!! Y'a un mec à part David Xanatos qui sait vraiment la configurer ??

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 11 Déc 2005 01:42 
Posteur Fou
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Inscrit le: 25 Avr 2003 20:04
Messages: 5722
Localisation: qtorrent
Je l'essaie, tu m'intéresses :makeadeal:

Ce n'est pas parce que je suis fou que je n'ai pas toute ma tête!

comment avoir confiance en soi

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 17 Déc 2005 09:37 
Posteur Fou
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Inscrit le: 25 Avr 2003 20:04
Messages: 5722
Localisation: qtorrent
Bon... mon feedback sur cette mule...
On peut se demander si c'est une mule, au fait?
Plein d'options que je ne sais même pas à quoi elles peuvent bien servir!!!
J'avais mis du temps à m'habituer à la sivka Athlazan, persuadé que c'était le mod le plus compliqué que je ne verrais jamais (et j'avais été fier de dompter la bête), les autres mods, à côté, c'était du gâteau... avant que je ne rencontre la neo mule.

Donc, je ne sais pas l'utiliser, mais elle tourne bien toute seule.

Ce qui me gêne le plus, c'est le nombre de slots à 3-4 ko/s qu'elle ouvre, alors que j'aime bien n'avoir qu'un ou deux slot d'upload avec un max de jus.

Ce n'est pas parce que je suis fou que je n'ai pas toute ma tête!

Ce n'est pas parce que je suis fou que je n'ai pas toute ma tête!

comment avoir confiance en soi

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 20 Déc 2005 19:10 
Archéologue en Chef

Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2003 18:18
Messages: 1890
Localisation: En vrac dans un grillage
Et ce n'est pas configurable ca? :o

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: 20 Déc 2005 20:42 
Posteur Fou
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Inscrit le: 25 Avr 2003 20:04
Messages: 5722
Localisation: qtorrent
Nan, presque tout, mais ça, je n'ai pas trouvé :x

Ce n'est pas parce que je suis fou que je n'ai pas toute ma tête!

comment avoir confiance en soi

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